War doesn't stop EdTech investments: Ukrainian company Clever Partners raises $80,000 for international expansion

April 14, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian IT company Clever Partners, which unites well-known ukrainian educational projects YavKursi and Navchu.Online, announces the successful attraction of $80,000 in investments from private investors. The company's valuation during the round reached $1.6 million.

Founded by Volodymyr Volodin and Inna Volodina, Clever Partners promotes innovative educational technologies. The company's most famous projects are YavKursi, which specializes in preparing high school students for the External Independent Evaluation (EIE) using Blended Learning technology, and Navchu.Online, which helps students of all grades find experienced teachers for individual lessons.

This investment round is the first for the company. Clever Partners' majority owners are its founders. It is known that several Ukrainian citizens joined the group of investors, but as the company is not public, the investors' names remain confidential.

The attracted investments will be used to expand the project's geography. Clever Partners plans to launch its services in four additional countries, two of which are European Union countries. Details are not disclosed, but it is emphasized that preparatory work and legal issues to ensure activities in new markets have already been completed. The necessary agreements with partners in new countries have also been reached.

The investment enables Clever Partners to realize its growth potential. For example, the YavKursi project was growing successfully until February 24, 2022, and has now managed to return to pre-war indicators in both the number of students and total revenue. In 2020, YavKursi set a world record for the number of participants in the Trial EIE Online project and was honored by the Ukrainian government for holding it during the COVID-19 pandemic when the state Trial EIE was canceled. In 2022, artificial intelligence technologies were used for the first time during the Trial EIE Online with technologies provided by American partners, ExamSoft.

Navchu.Online was launched in the summer of 2022 and successfully went through the business model testing phase, growing 1.5-2 times monthly. The project has become a timely tool for overcoming educational problems. It solves issues for two user groups at once: providing professional teachers with a steady income during their free time, and giving parents a simple and accessible tool to solve their children's learning problems without the need for searching and selecting teachers themselves.

Thus, Clever Partners continues to fulfill its mission of ensuring equal access to quality education technologies.

For more information, please contact:

Contact person: Olena
Title: Head of projects
Phone: +380444999982
E-mail: contact @ cleverpartners.online